Swift: Initialising a 2D Array

I have a struct called Tile, which has (for now) a position defined as a tuple:

struct Tile {
    let pos: (Int, Int)

And a class called Board, which has a 2D array of Tile objects:

class Board {
    let tiles: [[Tile]]
    init() {
        var tilesArray = [[Tile]]()
        for row in 0..<Board.rows {
            var rowTiles = [Tile]()
            for column in 0..<Board.columns {
                let tile = Tile(pos:(column, row))
        tiles = tilesArray      

This works, though it feels a little messy... I'll have to come back and look at this again.

Xcode 7 and Swift 2: Unit Testing (again)

Some follow up from creating a new project and adding tests.

This turned out to be important...

This turned out to be important...

I hadn't really noticed in the last one but I hadn't added the new classes to the test target, as I would under Obj-C. In Swift 2 there's a new @testable keyword. I found it blogged by Natasha the Robot when I started looking to find out why I wasn't seeing any code coverage showing up for my classes.

Then I started wondering why I was getting Undefined Symbol errors. I could resolve them by including the classes, but then I wouldn't get coverage and everything I saw on @testable assured me I didn't need to include them. Finally, I remembered I'd been getting a bit click happy earlier. I'd disabled Allow testing Host Application APIs.

One checkbox later and I'm a happy camper...

Okay, not a lot done tonight but I feel like a few pieces fell into place.

NSInvocation - Calling Blocks

Because I always forget.

    id mockView = OCMClassMock([UIView class]);

    [[[[mockView stub] ignoringNonObjectArgs] andDo:^(NSInvocation *invocation) {
        __block void (^animationBlock)(void);
        [invocation getArgument:&animationBlock atIndex:3];
        __block void (^completionBlock)(BOOL);
        [invocation getArgument:&completionBlock atIndex:4];
    }] animateWithDuration:0 animations:OCMOCK_ANY completion:OCMOCK_ANY];

Unity - Generating Builds

Adding the below code to Assets/Editor will add an entry to the menu bar that allows me to generate two builds automatically. Since they're also placed in a folder with the day's date, I also get build histories for the work done. For GameJams this is ideal as I'll usually only get a small amount of time on an evening to work on these so I'm not doing much more (and I could always use a more precise timestamp if needed). This is basic but so easy to automate and a nice little time saver that I thought I'd share.

using UnityEditor;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System;

public class JamBuilds 
    [MenuItem("Build/Jam Builds")]
    public static void BuildGame () {
        // Get filename.
        string path = EditorUtility.SaveFolderPanel("Choose Location of Built Game", "", "");
        string[] levels = new string[] {"Assets/Scenes/Test.unity", "Assets/Scenes/Finale.unity"};
        string projectName = PlayerSettings.productName;

        string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("/yyyy-MM-dd");

        // Build player.
        BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(levels, path + date + "/" + projectName + ".exe", BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows, BuildOptions.None);

        // Build player.
        BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(levels, path + date + "/WebPlayer", BuildTarget.WebPlayer, BuildOptions.None);


And There Went My Resolve

Sometime around doing my first Game Jam I stopped posting regular updates. I'm not entirely surprised but I am a little disappointed in myself.  Anyway, since the last post was at the start of this month, I am going to try and get a couple more in, if only because I've managed another Game Jam release and a quick Unity port of an earlier game I made to talk about.

And for kicks:

In all honesty, the alcohol probably belongs at the start, as well as the finish ;)

Xcode Plugins

Install the Alcatraz (http://alcatraz.io) package manager to get these.  

Shows the whole error/warning in the issue navigator instead of a single line.

Allows you to filter the console by a regular expression. 

Add imports from anywhere in the code base - press Cmd+Ctrl+P to pop up a window which has autocompletion for your headers. 

Fill in a quick documentation template.

Additional refactoring tools. Still not as full-featured as some IDEs but it's a case where every little helps.

Refining Terrain

Tweaking values - went a little high on the mountain frequency.

Refining it down. Kind of fun to jump around right until you fall to the bottom ;)

That's more like it!

Tools - Unity

It took a while but I think I'm finally feeling comfortable working in Unity.The other night I built a minimum viable prototype of one of my iOS games over the course over just a couple of hours. I feel like I'm still learning the flow of the engine, particularly with regards to threading, but there's a lot of power and potential to be tapped and getting started with it is easy. That said, I do miss the more advanced debugging tools I get with something like IntelliJ, or Xcode. And MonoDevelop is pretty awful ;)